The Price of Your Smile!

The Price of Your Smile! - DIY Denture Shop LLC ™

Similarly, dentures and implants can go a long way toward improving senior's quality of life for those that lost some or all of their teeth to aging, disease, or injury. Dentures can improve facial structure, make chewing foods more manageable, and boost confidence by providing the appearance of natural teeth.

How are dentures and implants different in their mechanics?

Although both achieve a similar goal by improving looks and chewing functions, specific characteristics and cost factors of dentures and implants set them apart.

The Scoop On Dentures

  • Removable and Easily Cleaned: Dentures can be taken out and are supposed to be removed and cleaned regularly.
  • Preparation for Dentures: Creating a set of custom dentures involves taking impressions of your mouth and any existing teeth. Custom dentures will be made based on these impressions to provide a good fit for your mouth. They are immediately wearable upon completion.


  • Permanent: Implants are teeth that are inplanted in your gums. They are generally chosen for those who still want the apperance of natural teeth in their mouth.
  • Preparation: Before implants are implanted in your mouth, metal posts are put into your mouth to act as stabilizers for the implants. Following the placement of these, you must wait for new bone growth around the posts and then the implant teeth can be adhered to them.


Implants and Their Cost:

The cost difference between dental implants vs. dentures is probably the number one reason that people choose dentures over implants. While dentures can cost hundreds of dollars when you go the DIY denture route to a few thousand for professionally created dentures, a complete set of implant teeth will cost over $75,000.


You must take into all of these factors when the need for a new smile occurs. If you don't have the funds to pay as much as a luxury car for a new set of teeth, DIY dentures are an acceptable replacement!