A Guarantee to Keep You Smiling Through the Holidays!

A Guarantee to Keep You Smiling Through the Holidays! - DIY Denture Shop LLC ™

One of the greatest times of the year to make memories are the holidays!  Between the joyful laughter, the gifts, and the food, every holiday season is usually merry and bright!  However, those of us that wear dentures also know a different kind of annoyance other than long checkout lines and finding the right gift.  This annoying little tidbit for denture wearers would be the food!

Yup!  We said it!  The food that normally pops up on your plate at holiday gatherings isn't what you normally eat a lot of the time.  This creates more than just a little heartburn for denture wearers.  This can also mean that your dentures may have a tendency to slip a little or (God forbid!) fall right out of your mouth.

With a variety of newly introduced foods that are commonly part of holiday fare, you might not be aware that your host's new holiday Pinterest recipe might be stickier than gum on a hot sidewalk!  You could experience a variety of problems from this experience that range from everything like slipped dentures to actually losing a tooth out of your denture set!  

A piece of advice that we have at DIY Denture Shop is to always make sure that you have denture adhesive on hand during the holiday times.  And when we say on hand, we mean ON HAND!  Keep a tube of our dental adhesive in your purse or car console in case of any holiday denture mishaps.  Another great way to prepare for the festivities is also to purchase our tooth replacement kit in case of an emergency.  Not only does this denture repair kit come in handy, but it's also a great way to ensure that you don't miss any holiday fun because of a missing tooth in your dentures!

Please stop by our catalog and take a look at all of the amazing items that we have that will be sure to guarantee that you have no holiday blues over your pearly whites!